New Zealand / Housing

Home buyers should have meth provisions in contracts - lawyer

12:37 pm on 2 September 2016

Home buyers need to have meth test provisions in their purchase agreements, says an Auckland property lawyer.

Workers at a contaminated site. Photo: Contaminated Site Solutions

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment's business unit is working on a standard for the testing and cleaning of properties which were known to have been contaminated by meth.

But property lawyer Linda Fox said home buyers should make it a condition of Sale and Purchase Agreements to get a report on the presence of the drug's residues.

"It is much more widespread than people think it is" - Linda Fox on Nine to Noon

She also suggested buyers worried about potential contamination got a written response from the vendor or agent about whether there was known contamination.

She said the percentage of contaminations in homes was alarming, and people often did not do their homework before buying.

"It's not all that uncommon, unfortunately. The pressure in the market at the moment to buy instantly, whether it be at auction or otherwise, people are not willing to spend money on multiple investigations of multiple properties before they can finally secure one at the price they can pay."

Methamphetamine contamination guidelines being developed by Standards New Zealand are expected to be ready early next year.