A public toilet in Auckland's Hunua Ranges has taken the throne - becoming the country's best loo.
New Zealand's Best Loo award winner is the Hunua Falls Toilet. Photo: Facebook / Seven Sharp
The competition was run by Keep New Zealand Beautiful.
Auckland woman Kathleen Clemens, 26, cleans the toilets once a day, ensures they are always looking top-notch and even goes the extra mile to collect any litter from the surrounding area.
The Best Loo Award judges take into consideration the location, facilities, cleanliness, interior, exterior and the surrounding environment of the toilets.
Heather Saunderson is the chief executive and was one of the judges of the competition.
She told Morning Report: "Kathleen and her passion and commitment to maintaining the facilities and ensuring that it was spotless and clean even in a volunteering capacity ... we have three tremendous loos put forward, this seems to be the popular award category every year."
It started with Clemens cleaning the loos every time she was there with her family because it was not up to her standard. That eventually led into a part-time job with council.
When judging, she said they were looking at "beautification - it needs to be aesthetically pleasing ... sustainability - it has to be environmentally friendly, and we're also looking for accessibility".
This loo was built by Auckland Council 20 years ago.
Of the 13 submissions put forward, Anderson Park Toilets in Napier and Waitati Public Toilet in Otago made it as finalists.
"This seems to be the popular award category every year" - Heather Saunderson