New Zealand

Freedom campers are causing problems - Akaroa locals

12:42 pm on 3 June 2018

Complaints about freedom camping in Akaroa could trigger changes to Christchurch's freedom camping bylaw.

Freedom camping

Freedom camping Photo: RNZ

Since 2015, the bylaw has allowed freedom campers to stay for up to two nights in some parts of Akaroa, as long as they are in self-contained vehicles.

But residents said the sheer number of campers is causing problems.

Campers are dumping rubbish, taking up parking and using public areas as toilets, they said.

More than three quarters of Akaroa locals surveyed by the Christchurch City Council said it's a problem, and more than 80 percent said the rules aren't working.

The Christchurch City Council staff are now looking at changing their freedom camping bylaw.

The number of international visitors freedom camping in New Zealand has nearly doubled in two years.