Labour is sticking with asset sales as its main election issue as it heads into the final two days of the campaign.
[image:3871:full]On Radio New Zealand's Nine to Noon programme, party leader Phil Goff expressed confidence that support for Labour would increase at the polls as voters made a final decision about whether they wanted National's partial asset sales programme to go ahead.
"I think people, when they go into the polling booth on Saturday, need to know that an irrevocable decision will be made following the election.
"If National is returned, those assets will be flogged off."
In a speech to about 40 supporters at Christchurch Airport, Mr Goff said the government would lose $11 billion in dividends over 15 years.
"We inherited those assets from our forefathers, lets leave those assets for our kids."
He said if National starts to sell central Government's assets, locally owned assets would follow.
If re-elected, National plans to proceed with the sale of up to 49% of state-owned energy companies Genesis Energy, Meridian Energy, Mighty River Power and Solid Energy and to reduce the Crown's shareholding in Air New Zealand.
Mr Goff is on a whistle stop tour of the country in the final two days of campaigning, visiting Christchurch and Dunedin on Thursday and centres between Rotorua and Auckland by bus on Friday.
He earlier told Nine to Noon that Labour still has an excellent chance of forming a government after Saturday's election.
The party has been sitting at under 30% support in the most recent polls, well behind National which is polling around 50%.
Listen to full interview with Phil Goff