An Auckland water-bottling company has won consent to build a tanker-loading facility at Poroti near Whangarei.
Poroti Springs Photo: Supplied
Zodiac Holdings originally planned to build a water-bottling factory on the site, drawing water from the aquifer that feeds the Māori-owned Poroti Springs.
But after hundreds of objections, it said it would build the factory at Marsden Point.
The Whangarei District Council has now granted Zodiac a land-use consent for a 500 square metre loading shed.
Last year protesters marched through Whangarei to voice their disagreement with plans to allow Zodiac Holdings to build a water bottling factory at Poroti Springs. Photo: RNZ / Lois Williams
Conditions include widening the state highway at the entrance and limiting tanker movements to 30 a day.
The Whatitiri Māori trustees who own the springs said they were disappointed but not surprised at the decision.
The company's managing director, Paul Thompson, said he expected the business would generate up to 25 jobs.
In a statement, he said the council had used an independent commissioner who determined the proposal would have "no more than minor effects" on the local environment.
Zodiac hoped that the local hapu and community would recognise it had changed its approach and they could in time reach "a mutual level of understanding".