Business / Rural

A taste of the future of dairy

19:18 pm on 22 March 2024

Emily McIsaac, Daisy Lab co-founder Photo: Supplied

Emily McIsaac is in an optimistic mood.

The Auckland scientist and entrepreneur is one third of bio-tech start-up Daisy Lab, which aims to change the way we produce dairy products. 

Daisy Lab co-founder Emily McIsaac Photo: Supplied

Back in 2022 Country Life spoke to Emily about their plans to produce dairy products with the same taste and mouthfeel as cow's milk but without using any cows in the process.

Eighteen months on, Daisy Lab (and Emily) are ready for the next step. The company opened up their lab for guests to taste some prototype products and hopefully find funding to begin making products on a larger scale.

Country Life was there.

Try some precision-fermented cheese with Country Life