Pacific / Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands govt signs agreement to restore mining lease

14:07 pm on 9 March 2017

The Solomon Islands government has withdrawn last year's cancellation of the mining licence for Gold Ridge Mining Ltd.

The over-full tailings dam facility at the Gold Ridge Gold Mine on Guadalcanal in Solomon Islands. January 2015

The over-full tailings dam facility at the Gold Ridge Gold Mine on Guadalcanal in Solomon Islands. January 2015 Photo: copyright Dr Matthew Allen - Australian National University

This effectively restarts efforts by landowners and the new majority shareholder, Chinese-owned Australian property developer AXF Group, to re-open the Guadalcanal mine.

In a statement the chairman of the cabinet sub-committee on Gold Ridge said the minister cancelled the mining lease because he felt the previous owner St Barbara's sudden departure breach of the Mines and Minerals Act, and the Mining Agreement.

The miner's departure from Gold Ridge followed complications around flash floods in April 2014, which compromised the mine's tailings dam and impeded access to the mine.

St Barbara however, has repeatedly denied abandoning the mine.

It stands by its transfer of ownership, via the sale at a nominal amount, to local landowning company Gold Ridge Community Investments Ltd.

The Australian miner also denied claims by GCIL following the sale that it had saddled the local landowner company with all the environmental liability of the closed mine.

Following the signing of the agreement with government to restore the mining licence, GCIL's chairperson, Walton Naezon, said landowners would be working closely with their chosen investor and the government to restore the mine to profitability.