Pacific / Vanuatu

Vanuatu village offers to adopt drought-struck children

08:22 am on 10 November 2015

A leader on Vanuatu's northern island of Santo has offered to adopt 100 children from Tanna which is suffering the effects of Cyclone Pam and drought.

The first images emerge of destruction in Tanna, Vanuatu, after Cyclone Pam.

The first images emerge of destruction in Tanna, Vanuatu, after Cyclone Pam. Photo: SUPPLIED / Jeremy Pinero

Loti Steven of Fanafo village says he is ready to help those on the island by taking in 50 boys and 50 girls whose parents cannot provide for them.

Mr Steven says Fanafo has more than enough land and other resources to look after the children.

Our correspondent in Vanuatu reports food gardens in the Whitesands area have been destroyed in the extreme heat and also by volcanic ash from Mt Yasur.

There are reports families in hard hit areas like Tanna are already sending their children away to other islands where there is access to food and water.