
NCD statistics for Cooks prompt alarm

07:41 am on 9 February 2015

Statistics showing the rapid increase in numbers of new cases of Non-Communicable Diseases in the Cook Islands has sparked questions about the effectiveness of the country's public health initiatives.

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Photo: AFP

Statistics obtained by Cook Islands News reveal the number of new cases of NCDs have increased from 264 in 2013 to 291 cases last year.

Deaths associated with NCDs increased from 81 in 2013 to 83 last year.

The Ministry of Health's director of funding and planning, Ana Silatolu-Matai-tini, says the Ministry is focused on creating awareness of NCDs and is launching a new health initiative next month.

She says as part of efforts to create awareness of the reality of NCDs it plans to publish a quarterly report.

On March the 5th, the Ministry will launch Cook Islands 'NCD Day', which will feature free community health screening, the launch of an outdoor gym in town and the release of a number of strategic documents.