
A number asylum seekers in Nauru get 12 month good behavior bonds after violent confrontation

08:06 am on 6 October 2003

A number of asylum seekers involved in a riot while being held in a detention centre in Nauru have received 12-month good behaviour bonds.

The Nauru government did not specify how many asylum seekers received the good behaviour bonds.

In a statement it said four of the accused were found not guilty and their charges were dismissed.

In January, the office of the Australian Immigration Minister, Philip Ruddock, confirmed a violent confrontation between a small group of detainees and staff in a Nauru detention centre on Christmas eve last year.

Last month, the Associated Press reports that Nauru's outgoing Melbourne-based solicitor-general Kerry Smith claimed the 21 asylum seekers facing charges over the riots had not had adequate legal representation.

Ms Smith said the group's Australian lawyer had not received enough information to represent the group.

Prominent activist lawyer Julian Burnside, QC, also said he had been refused a visa to visit Nauru and denied basic information, including his clients' hearing date.