
Takitumu paramount chief says no to proposed Cooks apartments

15:33 pm on 21 May 2008

In the Cook Islands, the Takitumu paramount chief and landowner, Pa Tepaeru Arikinui, has expressed outrage at new plans being proposed on land leased for the Hilton Rarotonga Spa and Resort.

This follows a meeting between Pa Ariki and the developers who say they want to build apartments in addition to the five-star resort in Titikaveka.

But Pa Ariki says the lease is for the hotel only.

"They're wanting to do it in stages is to do an apartment I said no, I gave it [lease] to them in good faith that they will build - which we need - a four or five star hotel, and that was the promise"

The apartment proposal won't affect plans for the hotel with developer Dan McEwan saying everything is on track for that project.