Pacific / Solomon Islands

Solomons to work more closely with Sri Lanka

10:17 am on 9 December 2016

The Solomon Islands Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade says the country is keen to work with Sri Lanka on regional security.

The Colombo Gazette reports Milner Tozaka comments at a meeting with Sri Lankas new Honorary Consul to Solomon Islands Kutila Pinto.

Co-operation is to follow on areas of trade, investment, climate change, disaster management, sports and regional security.

It's unclear what form the regional security co-operation will take.

But Mr Pinto is also the executive director of Pan Oceanic Bank, offering "extensive experience in different industry sectors, local and international markets and cultures."

He said he would be working towards procuring necessary skills, technical assistance and potential business investment from Sri Lanka for Solomon Islands to utilise.

The assistance would be directed to areas including tourism and coconut development, as well as enhancing technical and skill sets of Solomon Islanders interested in becoming banking and finance professionals.