Papua New Guinea has recorded another Covid-19 death bringing the total number of deaths to 11.
Port Moresby General Hospital Photo: POM General Hospital
A 67 year old male from the National Capital District is the latest reported death.
He was admitted to the Port Moresby General Hospital on the 21 February and was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit where he remained until he died.
The death comes as 28 new cases were reported in the Western Province and in the National Capital District, (20 in the Western Province and eight in the NCD).
The country's Covid-19 total infection number now stands at 1139 with those 11 fatal cases.
In NCD, a total of four males and four females between the ages of 24 to 54 tested positive.
Five case showed symptoms of Covid-19, while three were asymptomatic at the time of testing.
Five of the eight cases came into contact with a previous positive case.
In the Western Province, 17 males and three females between the ages of 26 to 59 were confirmed positive.
Four out of the 20 cases came into contact with previous positive cases.