Te Ao Māori

Greater support over abortion advocated

19:08 pm on 6 June 2014

The head of an Auckland tribal council is advocating for greater non-judgemental support to help women considering abortion.

Naida Glavish, of Te Runanga o Ngati Whatua, made the comments as the Green Party promotes its policy to decriminalise abortion and protect the right to end a pregnancy.

Having an abortion in New Zealand is still a crime under the Crimes Act, unless a pregnant woman faces a danger to her life, physical or mental health.

Ms Glavish believes the focus should be on helping women to make decisions.

She said there is no such thing as an unwanted mokopuna, as celebrated in Maori legend, as this is the reflection of one's ancestry.

Ms Glavish said Maui-Tikitiki-a-Taranga was aborted by his mother Taranga, who carried him in the topknot of her hair, and was then adopted by Ranginui, the sky father.

She said society is full of judgements, but no one who judges lives with the decision made by individuals.