
New title for late leader of North Korea

07:10 am on 12 April 2012

North Korea's late leader, Kim Jong-Il has been named the ruling party's 'Eternal General Secretary'.

Kim Jong-il died in December last year according to state media.

The Worker's Party has also promoted new leader Kim Jong-un to "first secretary".

North Korea intends to launch a rocket to also mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of the country's late leader Kim Il-sung. The launch is expected between 12-16 April.

The BBC reports foreign journalists were taken on Sunday to the Sohae satellite station at Tongchang-ri to see the final preparations.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday that the rocket launch is a direct threat to regional security.

South Korea and Japan have said they will shoot down the rocket if it threatens their territory, and the Philippines has re-routed air and sea traffic.