New Zealand / Regional

Protestors target expressway demolition

13:14 pm on 31 October 2013

A group opposing the planned four-lane Kapiti expressway says it is pinning its hopes on the Supreme Court stopping the project.

About 20 members of Save Kapiti protested in Waikanae on Thursday morning as demolition work begins on houses to make room for the $630 million road.

Kapiti residents protesting against the demolition of houses for a planned expressway.

Kapiti residents protesting against the demolition of houses for a planned expressway. Photo: RNZ

An appeal against the road by Save Kapiti was dismissed by the High Court in August.

Save Kapiti spokesperson Bianca Begovich says she hopes the Supreme Court will overturn approval granted by a board of inquiry.

She says many property owners in Waikanae have now settled with the Government to have their homes moved or demolished.

On Te Moana Road, the scene of Thursday's protest, work has begun to demolish or remove at least three properties.

Bianca Begovich says the Government is rushing needlessly ahead with the expressway.