Pacific / Weather

Tuni continues to weaken as it approaches Cook Islands

05:16 am on 1 December 2015

Satellite Image of Cyclone Tuni on Sunday night. Photo: Courtesy of NOAA

The Cook Islands Meteorological Service says Cyclone Tuni is likely to weaken before it reaches Rarotonga but people should still be prepared.

Director Arona Ngari said the cyclone's winds have died down, and were expected to reduce to about 30 knots in the next 12 hours.

Mr Ngarie said by the time it reached Rarotonga in the next 48 hours, winds were likely to be between 20 and 25 knots, but people still need to be prepared.

"These things could be volatile for some unknown reasons so people have to be vigilant in their preparedness, and people are encouraged just to keep an eye on any warnings that will come from the Cook Islands Met Service."