
Zones for nuclear compensation in Tahiti must change - Tuheiava

10:10 am on 4 July 2013

French Polynesia's pro-independence senator says newly declassified military documents about nuclear tests on Mururoa show victim compensation should be extended to all of French Polynesia.

The documents confirm that fallout from the atmospheric tests of between 1966 and 1974 affected all islands and not only the 21 atolls listed by the defence ministry three years ago.

They show a total of 26 navy vessels were also contaminated, as was Tahiti, by higher levels of radioactivity than was previously thought.

Senator Richard Tuheiava says the documents strengthen the case for more compensation.

"They need to change the zoning to allow mostly all inhabitants of French Polynesia that his been facing diseases to ask for compensation."

Richard Tuheiava says he always suspected the fallout from the nuclear tests was wider than the French government admitted.