New Zealand / Covid 19

Whanganui DHB confirms first case of Covid-19 in Delta outbreak

20:09 pm on 4 December 2021

Whanganui District Health Board has confirmed its first case of Covid-19 in the current Delta outbreak.

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(File image) Photo: RNZ / Nate McKinnon

The DHB said the person was well and self-isolating in a supervised isolation quarantine facility.

The person had recently travelled out of the region, has been compliant with all Covid-19 tracing requirement's and is co-operating with health officials.

Public Health are starting contact tracing and currently gauge the risk as low.

In a statement, Whanganui DHB acting chief executive Graham Dyer said they were working to minimise the risk to the community.

"The best thing you can do for yourself and your whānau right now is if you're not vaccinated to get in and get it done, maintain handwashing, social distancing and mask wearing."

Whanganui Mayor Hamish McDouall urged people to follow those basic Covid-19 protocols.

"Hopefully this will be a little reminder to those who have been lax in getting their innoculations that they should get vaccinated as soon as possible."

McDouall said he was confident the DHB and the wider community were well prepared for Covid-19 cases.

Any locations of interest will be updated on the Ministry of Health's website.

If you are concerned or have any symptoms, ring Healthline 0800 611 116 to check if you need to be tested.

Covid-19 testing will be running extended hours, 8am to 3pm at Whanganui Hospital.

Vaccinations will be available at 24 clinics throughout the DHB region over the next five days, including Whanganui, Raetihi, Waiouru, Taihape, Marton and Bulls.

Today, the Ministry of Health reported there were 98 new community cases of Covid-19 in the country, with cases in Auckland, Northland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Hawke's Bay, Nelson Tasman and Canterbury.