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New Zealanders' favourite houseplants and how best to care for them

15:24 pm on 3 October 2021

Cooped up in our homes during lockdown, New Zealanders have become increasingly obsessed with houseplants - and those who sell them say demand is higher than ever before.

Mature woman taking care of houseplant at home. Engaging hobby

Plant store owners say demand for houseplants shows no sign of slowing down and is partly fuelled by the pandemic Photo: 123RF

From the small String of Pearls to the large Fiddle Leaf Fig - indoor plants are in demand.

Plant stores speak of popular varieties selling out within minutes when they are listed online, of people waiting outside before the shop opens to hunt down hard-to-find plants, and of customers willing to spend thousands on just one rare plant.

They say social media is in part driving the rage, with multiple New Zealand-based Facebook groups dedicated to indoor plants - the most popular of which has almost 100,000 members.

RNZ asked three New Zealand plant stores and one of the country's biggest plant chains what their most popular indoor plants are, and how best to care for them.

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Monstera Deliciosa is one of New Zealanders' most favourite plants Photo: SUPPLIED/ Potplant Studio

Monstera Deliciosa - Swiss Cheese plant

The Monstera, known for its large leaves with holes, are also known as the Swiss Cheese plant or Fruit Salad plant and are easy to care for when raised in the right conditions, says Nicky Peauafi, who runs the online store Potplant Studio with her husband Josh.

"A classic look for the urban jungle collection, they can live anywhere in the house but grow faster and become more dramatic in a bright spot. Please remember to avoid direct sunlight, as you don't want to burn your beautiful Monstera foliage," Peauafi says.

Peauafi recommends thoroughly watering the plants when the soil is around 5cm dry, but don't let them sit in water.

Variegated monstera - Thai Constellation

Palmers Miramar owner Katherine Beauchamp has worked in the business for decades and says houseplants have never been as in demand as they are now.

It's not uncommon for variegated monstera to sell for thousands Photo: SUPPLIED/ The Plant Project

She says a few years ago variegated houseplants "would not get much of a look in" - and now some are selling for thousands.

The variegated monstera is the queen of popular houseplants, with its rare white marks and classic segmented monstera shape.

Tips include placing them in a warm, humid environment, keeping them out of direct sunlight and placing them in well-draining soil.

Beauchamp says spring is the best time to start fertilising plants and the key is to not overwater them.

Variegated String of Pearls

The Plant Studio's Nicky Peauafi says to be careful not to overwater String of Pearls, as it will cause root rot and may turn the pearls into "mushy peas". She suggests watering them from the bottom and letting the soil dry out almost completely between watering in the growing season.

"Water less in winter, we recommend once every one to two months during dormancy. Cacti potting mix is recommended and this plant likes indirect bright light, or early morning sun."

Variegated String of Pearls Photo: SUPPLIED/ Potplant Studio

Zamioculcus zamiifolia - Zanzibar Gem

The Zanzibar gem is an excellent houseplant for beginners or "forgetful owners" as its low-key when it comes to maintenance, says The Plant Project co-owner Jenna White.

White says the plant is a great air purifier and will tolerate low light spaces.

The slow to moderate growing plant is most suited to average indoor temperatures, and owners should allow for the soil to dry out between waterings, Gray says.

Hoya - Obovata

These semi-succulent plants are loved for their thick, deep green leaves and the fact they require little maintenance and grow relatively quickly.

They thrive best in well-lit areas, to dry down between waterings and like warmer temperatures.

White says the plant is one of her top-sellers, and they're currently sold out. She says demand for houseplants is at its highest ever, partly due to lockdown, but she also thinks they're popular with renters, who can't put down permanent gardens outdoors - and "houseplants are the next best thing".

Ficus lyrata - Fiddle Leaf Fig

The Fiddle Leaf Fig can grow up to 12m tall Photo: SUPPLIED/ The Plant Project

The Fiddle Leaf Fig is one of the most popular on the market at the moment, with many stores sold out of the plant, which can grow to 12m tall.

Kings Plant Barn spokesperson Lee Gutzewitz says they are one of the chain's top sellers.

"Keep out of the sun's harsh rays but in a well-lit room, water when the soil is dry to the touch and keep the room it's in relatively warm especially over winter. Liquid fertiliser once a month in spring and summer."

Sansevieria - Snake plant

Another great plant for beginners, the snake plant requires little watering - in fact, Palmers Miramar owner Katherine Beauchamp says they can go without watering for months over winter.

Lee Gutzewitz says they are one of the best plants for beginners as they don't need a lot of care.

"Keep inside; they can withstand low-lit to partly sunny areas. Just keep them out of the afternoon summer sun. Water only when dry, and fertilise sparingly with houseplant liquid fertiliser."

Spathiphyllum - Peace lily

"The Spathiphyllum or Peace Lilly is probably our biggest seller as it is a tried and trusted but also is well known for its air purification properties," says Beauchamp.

"It is also very forgiving if neglected."

Gutzewitz says that's why the plant is another perfect one for beginners.

"They prefer well-lit rooms out of the full sun. Water deeply only once the soil has dried, and liquid fertilise once every month between early spring and early autumn."

Peace lilys have long been a popular houseplant Photo: SUPPLIED/ Palmers Miramar

Philodendron scandens - Heartleaf

This heart-shaped vining Philodendron can usually be found snaking around a coco pole or in a hanging basket.

The plant sells for around $40 and is a relatively easy plant to take care of - but beware, they can grow up to 4m.

The Plant Project's Jenna White says they're best in medium light and recommends keeping their soil moist at all times.

Peperomia prostrata - String of Turtles

Lastly, String of Turtles are on most plant lovers' wishlists, but whether they can get their hands on one is another matter.

Despite their turtle-shell appearance, the leaves are quite delicate so require gentle hands, but the plant in general is quite easy to grow and doesn't require a lot of water.

White says they like bright indirect light and to be kept in lightly moist soil throughout the growing season.