
American Samoa Senate committee chair calls for scrutiny of legislature's operations

11:28 am on 11 December 2003

The Vice Chairman of the Senate Investigative Committee in American Samoa has urged his colleagues to scrutinise the legislature's operations just as aggressively as it has other government departments.

Senator Te'o Fuavai says it is not right that the committee investigate corruption and illegal practices in government departments and such unauthorised practices are also occurring in the Fono.

Te'o says he feels the committee's work should end with an investigation of the legislature's operations.

He says the spending of 100-thousand US dollars to purchase a Fono vehicle should be stopped.

Te'o says such extravegence should not be allowed.

It has been reported that the Senate leadership has made plans to purchase a luxury vehicle for the Senate President but the move has been blocked by the Legislative Financial Officer, Velega Savali.