
Counteracting porn culture

13:25 pm on 15 August 2016

Brisbane sexologist Liz Walker says there is an alarming growth of internet porn use among kids and that our society has reached the 'tipping point of denial' about the damage it is causing.

Listen to Liz Walker in conversation with Jesse Mulligan

Not For Kids by Liz Walker

Photo: supplied

Children as young as five are accessing pornography online and Brisbane sexologist, Liz Walker says as a society we've reached the 'tipping point of denial' about the damage it is causing.

She will be delivering her ‘Counteracting Porn Culture’ workshops to parents and education professionals in Auckland and Wellington starting today. And she says there's an alarming growth of internet porn use among children.

She says it is not uncommon for children to be watching porn from the age of 8 which she says is a particular concern as much mainstream pornography is so hardcore.

“Developmentally they’re just not prepared for it,” she says.

There are stories of counsellors seeing the effects of porn on young men at the age of 14 to 15.

 “They’re not able to respond in a healthy way to their partner because of erectile dysfunction.”

Anecdotally the problem has worsened, she says, as access to smartphones has exploded since 2010.

Her advice for parents?

“Talk - talk soon; talk often. Not just about sex, but about pornography and how it’s vastly different to intimate, loving, caring relationships.”  

She says there are warning signs to look out for, particularly with young men, which may include their learning being affected, depressive symptoms, anxiety and withdrawal from regular activities.

Liz Walker will deliver her Counteracting Porn Culture workshops to parents and education professionals in Auckland and Wellington starting today.