New Zealand

Elderly woman's family won't accept killer's apology

13:29 pm on 7 June 2010

The family of an 80-year-old woman beaten so badly during a robbery at her South Auckland home she died days later, won't accept her killer's apology.

Olinale Ah You, 30, has been sentenced to life in prison, with a minimum non-parole period of 20 years, for the murder of Yan Ping Yang.

Mrs Yang was attacked in her home on 11 June and died several days later at Middlemore hospital.

In the High Court at Auckland, Justice Wylie described the attack as appalling, highly brutal and callous.

He said Ah You forced a cordless phone into Mrs Yang's mouth, punched and tried to strangle her. When he was unable to force her into a wardrobe, he slammed a door into her head and stomped on her chest, breaking almost all of her ribs.

He then made off with $2100 from the house.

Remorse 'too little, too late'

The killer apologised through his lawyer, but Justice Wylie said the remorse was likely false, and too little, too late.

Outside court, family members were unable to speak.

Detective Inspector Mark Gutry says they are pleased with the sentence, but do not accept Ah You's apology.

In sentencing the judge took into account what he described as an "appalling criminal history", including at least two previous aggravated robberies.

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