Life And Society / Leisure

What to watch: Malcolm in the Middle

19:01 pm on 23 March 2024
The cast of the family comedy series Malcolm in the Middle

The cast of the family comedy series Malcolm in the Middle Photo: Fox Network

By Pratik Navani

Run out of stuff to watch? Join us as we dig deep into the streamers' catalogues for shows worth your time. This week's watch: Malcolm in the Middle.

Malcolm in the Middle is one of those sitcoms that doesn't get nearly the amount of attention it deserves.

Despite having all the classic tropes of a family sitcom, the show, which ran from 2000 to 2006, subverts the genre with some very real takes on squeezed middle-class life. And nothing marks a good sitcom like the absence of a laugh track.

Life is unfair to nine-year-old Malcolm, with clothes handed down twice over, a bed that's too short, a room that's too small and a family that's not making things any easier. School only gets harder when a transfer to the 'gifted' group pushes him further away from his goal of normalcy. With his eldest brother Francis away at military school, Malcolm lives with his two other brothers Reese and Dewey and their parents, Lois (Jane Kaczmarek) and Hal (Bryan Cranston). As Lois and Hal struggle to juggle two full-time jobs with three hell-raising kids, the stage is set for a very relatable comedy about a dysfunctional family.

(Left to right) Erik Per Sullivan, Frankie Muniz and Bryan Cranston in the family comedy series Malcolm in the Middle Photo: Fox Network

Malcolm in the Middle has an overall grungy look and feel, with sets that appear very real and almost movie-like. There's a lot more effort put into cinematography than in the average sitcom, with moving cameras, an interesting choice of angles, fourth-wall-breaking pieces to camera by Malcolm and speedy pan transitions that clearly influenced later shows.

The casting is also brilliant. Bryan Cranston steals the audience's heart as a loveable yet immature dad with unwavering affection for wife Lois, who Jane Kaczmarek plays as the frustrated voice of reason and discipline.

Over six seasons, Malcolm in the Middle has decent plot progression, and its characters mostly grow over time. Some iconic episodes will stick with you forever and viewing it as a prequel to the beloved crime drama Breaking Bad starring Cranston will add an interesting dimension.

Is it worth a watch?

Story: 4.5/5 (So real and very relatable, especially if you grew up underprivileged)

Production: 4/5 (Sets look grimy and lived-in, so much love and effort)

Bingeability: 2/5 (6 seasons with 22 episodes each, not for the faint of heart)

If I liked this one, what shall I watch next?

Arrested Development (Another dark dysfunctional family comedy,that fans believe is loosely inspired by the Trump/Bush families)

The Office - US version (No further info needed, Steve Carell is a comedy god)

Parks and Recreation (Inspired by The Office but sweeter, with a more loveable cast)

Malcolm In The Middle is streaming now on Disney+.