
Te Puni Kokiri to be reviewed

13:57 pm on 2 May 2012

Maori Affairs Minister Pita Sharples has announced a review into the work of Te Puni Kokiri, the Ministry of Maori Development.

Dr Sharples says he wants to get more policy advice from Te Puni Kokiri, and would like other Government departments to consult with it more on policy and legislation.

Dr Sharples says Te Puni Kokiri needs to refocus and strengthen itself.

A four-person panel has been appointed headed by Piri Sciascia, the chair of Te Mangai Paho, the Maori broadcast funding agency.

Dr Sharples says the review does not have anything to do with restructuring at Te Puni Kokiri, which is reported to be cutting 50 jobs.

He is expecting the panel to report back to him by mid-July, after which he will make recommendations to cabinet.