Pacific / New Caledonia

Plan mooted in New Caledonia to shift time zone

09:05 am on 13 December 2019

There's been a suggestion in New Caledonia to shift the territory one time zone to the east in order to have more daylight in the evening.


clock Photo: 123RF

President of the Southern Province, Sonia Backes, has drawn up the proposal, which will be debated in the provincial assembly next week.

The Economic, Social and Environmental Council, which is an advisory body, is also being consulted.

If the provincial assembly endorses the plan, it will be submitted to the government.

A one-hour shift would place New Caledonia at plus 12 hours UTC and align it with New Zealand's standard time.

Ms Backes said changing the clock would have a range of benefits and favour sporting and cultural activities.

It would improve road safety and security in general as well as reduce electricity demand, she said.

New Caledonia briefly adopted daylight savings 40 years ago but then abandoned it.