
Tax crackdown nets extra $900m

16:36 pm on 23 July 2010

Inland Revenue will continue to take a tough stance on ensuring people and firms pay their fair share of tax in the coming year.

The economic downturn has led governments' worldwide to shore up dwindling tax-takes, and, for the second year running, the Inland Revenue Department has publicly set out its priorities to make sure taxpayers comply with the rules.

Last year, it stepped up its efforts in the hidden economy and worked with firms facing difficulties paying all their tax on time, netting an extra $900 million.

Inland Revenue commissioner Bob Russell says it received $2.9 billion above its forecasts. However, that included $2 billion from a settlement with the big banks.

Mr Russell says Inland Revenue will continue to target those in the hidden economy and try to talk to firms early about any difficulties they may face paying their tax bill.