The Wireless

Keeping up with the Kontentsphere

16:27 pm on 21 July 2017

Has another week passed you by with nary a fleeting glance at the weird and wonderful world of online content? Get the goss with another handy installment of Keeping up with the Kontentsphere.

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Oh no, former first daughter (and sister of Max) Stephie Key/'Cherry Lazar' accidentally (?) 

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dyed her hair blue (???)

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But not to worry she found a solution!

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Nice one, Stephie!


National’s enfant terrible appears to have returned to work having been put in time out for his mischievous antics. Posting on his facebook with a card from a well wisher (no doubt one of his schoolyard chums) Todd looks as though he’s finally got his groove back!



Sir Carter and Rumi 1 month today. ??❤️??????????

A post shared by Beyoncé (@beyonce) on

Beyoncé posted photos of her precious twin babies, Sir and Rumi Carter, for the first time!!! Fun fact: If Beyoncé was a New Zealander she would not have legally been allowed to call her baby Sir. She would have had to call him Shane or Jono which would have been super dry balls and not cool at all. Congratulations Beyonce!


Everyone's favourite small comedian was caught cheating on the wife he cheated on his first wife with and like the teeny tiny fool he is.


Lots of things are dangerous, and toothpaste is one of them.

Triclosan, an ingredient in Colgate Total and a bunch of other stuff, can apparently affect hormone function, liver and kidney damage, and is a suspected carcinogen!!! And we’re putting it in our mouths!

It’s not super clear in this herald article on the topic when this was discovered or why we’re only just worrying about it now - hasn’t Colgate Total been around for billions of years? - but now some scientists, including ~cool scientist Nanogirl~, have decided that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Throw out your toothpaste and cross your fingers for the long long life you know you deserve.