The Wireless

Introducing: Sere

09:30 am on 7 June 2016

Emerging local musicians are given two minutes to introduce one of their songs and say whatever they like about themselves and their music.

Sere (L-to-R) Zac Arnold, Grant Sheridan, Calum Gunn, Bridge Shoebridge. Photo: Holly Davies

Name of project: Sere.

Real names: Bridge Shoebridge, Calum Gunn, Grant Sheridan, Zac Arnold.

Age (of project): One year.

Hometown: Auckland.

Associated acts: Brand New Math, Crawler, The Electric Confectionaires, Freudoids, The Grow Room, Mean Girls, The Naenae Express, Smashin' Off, Two Wolves, Xuri Xruz, Yolanda.

Formative Musical Experience:

Bridge - Seeing Gaslamp Killer DJing at Splore was an experience that happened when I was 18, but it has certainly informed me in a big way. I'd always watched his sets on YouTube and listened to radio rips, but seeing it live changed it all for me. I realised I was going to be dedicated to DJing and playing the drums on my own terms from then onwards, just like the big bro!

Calum - At 13 my Mum saw that I was listening to of a lot of her music (Roxy Music, Beatles etc) and she was like, listen to this - and gave me Strictly Commercial by Frank Zappa. At first I hated it, but I wanted to keep listening to it for some reason. It was the first time I came across something that you had to work at to enjoy, but as a result is far more rewarding. 

Grant - At age 10 I used to watch lots of TV. At around 1 or 2 in the afternoons on Saturdays on TV2 they used to play good movies. One afternoon they screened the Talking Heads film Stop Making Sense. David Byrne walks out with a boom box and plays Psycho Killer by himself. That moment has stuck hard.

Zac - I knew I wanted to play music after seeing the video for In Love by The Datsuns on TV on a Sunday afternoon.

Musical Guilty Pleasure:

Bridge - I've always had a special space in my heart for M People's Movin' On Up, but I'm not even guilty I'm proud! When I was younger I used to keep it more of a secret I guess. 

Calum - Believe by Cher, though can an amazing song be a guilty pleasure?

Grant -  I don't care if people know I love ABBA and Boney M. ABBA is pure pop genius. Especially S.O.S. Love that song.

Zac - True Blue by John Williamson.

Find Sere on Facebook and Bandcamp.