
Homeland Security wants American Samoa formally designated high-risk status

09:12 am on 4 June 2011

The Inspector General of the US Department of Homeland Security wants American Samoa to be formally designated high risk status.

In his semi annual report to Congress, covering the period from October 1 to March 11, Acting Inspector General of the US Department of Homeland Security Charles Edwards says the Federal Emeregncy Management Agency treats American Samoa as a high-risk grantee without the official designation.

However the Inspector General's Office believes that the territory should be formally designated as high risk to ensure continuity of care, as well as to give American Samoa more incentive to improve its stewardship of taxpayers funds.

The Inspector General's report said American Samoa has a history of exercising poor stewardship over federal funds.

The report recommends federal oversight of the new Satala power plant project to ensure that the power plant is rebuilt in a timely manner.

It says more than 75% of all public assistance funding form FEMA is going to this project.