Politics / Election 2014

Greens plan light rail for capital

14:47 pm on 8 September 2014

The Green Party has announced a $500 million plan to improve public transport in Wellington.

Julie Anne Genter.

Julie Anne Genter. Photo: GREEN PARTY

It includes a $450 million a light rail network from the city's main railway station out to Newtown and Kilbirnie, which would be extended to Wellington airport, Miramar and Island Bay by 2025.

Earlier this year, local government leaders including Wellington Mayor Celia Wade-Brown and the New Zealand Transport Agency voted against light rail as an option for the capital.

Under the Green's transport policy announced today, they would push ahead with light rail and the city's electric trolley bus network, due to be taken down in 2017, would be kept and upgraded.

Transport spokesperson Julie Anne Genter says its light rail network would be much cheaper to implement.

"There doesn't need a new tunnel - we can run it along Constable Street, so that is a significant saving and ultimately it's going to deliver the same level of service."

The plan would need some funding from local and regional councils, she said.

The Greens also said they would invest $94 million over five years in cycleways and safer walking routes.