New Zealand

Iwi expects apology from Auditor General

12:38 pm on 13 June 2015

Maori leader Sonny Tau says the Auditor General is to apologise for comments she made criticising the amount of Whanau Ora funding spent on administration.

Ngapuhi leader Sonny Tau

Ngapuhi leader Sonny Tau Photo: RNZ / Lois Williams

Listen to Sonny Tau on Saturday Morning

Auditor General Lynn Provost told a select committee last month Whanau Ora's administration was cumbersome and unusual.

She told MPs out of the $137 million in funding the scheme has had, 20 percent had gone on administration.

Mr Tau said the comments were unfortunate and he believed the Auditor General was coming to an iwi leaders meeting to apologise personally.

"The comments were unfortunate and I think that at our iwi chair's meeting they're coming to apologise for that report.... for comments that were wrongly made, without a research background."

He said that 20 percent spent on administration was not a big fee.

Mr Tau said feedback from iwi was that funding was getting to areas it was needed in.