
Australia yet to find out if Fiji will accept funds for 2014 elections

04:50 am on 7 June 2012

The Australian government is yet to find out if the Fiji interim government will accept its offer of over two million US dollars to help fund the planned 2014 elections.

Last week, the Australian government announced that it has offered 2.6 million US dollars to help Fiji deliver on its commitment to hold free and fair elections in 2014.

Australia's parliamentary secretary for Pacific Island Affairs, Richard Marles, says the government has told Fiji it stands ready to assist the country in returning to democracy.

He says the money is proposed to go to the elections office, the constitutional commission and a civic awareness campaign.

"I hasten to add that at this point the money hasn't been accepted by Fiji, we're waiting for their response to this. So obviously there is a decision to be made by the interim regime about whether or not they want to proceed with this proposal but that's what the proposal represents."

Richard Marles says there has been constructive dialogue with the interim regime about the elections process, and there is a positive sense about where things will head.