Pacific / Papua New Guinea

Sport: Plenty of support for PNG teen ahead of Fed Cup tie

11:29 am on 5 March 2015

Oceania tennis officials are confident 15 year old Violet Apisah won't be overawed in next month's Fed Cup tennis tie.

The Papua New Guinea teenager lives in Sydney and is ranked in the top two for her age group in Australia.

She made the second round of the Australian Junior Open in January and was named in the Pacific Oceania squad to travel to India, alongside Samoa's Steffi Carruthers, Brittany Teei from the Cook Islands and PNG compatriot Abigail Tere-Apisah.

The Vice President of Oceania Tennis, Cyrille Mainguy, says he spoke with her father, as well as her coach, before the decision was made to include her in the team.

"And he also believes that because at the Pacific Games she will play senior tennis so having her travelling with the Fed Cup team [is good] but Abigail is there and Abigail is her aunty, so the family ties is quite good. The coach thought that it might be a good thing to get her more confident playing older players because she's only 15 but she's already playing 17-18 year olds so being there at the Fed Cup level - experience-wise - you can't beat that. That's the opportunity of a lifetime and he also believed that that would be a great experience for Violet".

Pacific Oceania last entered a Fed Cup team in 2004.