
Fiji attorney general backs proposal for Truth Commission

09:13 am on 31 May 2003

Fiji's attorney general, Qoriniasi Bale, has backed a proposal for a South Africa style Truth Commission.

The proposal was made in the senate this week by a member of the pro-coup Conservative Alliance Matanitu Vanua party, Ratu Josefa Dimuri, who is facing charges in connection with the coup-related Labasa army mutiny.

Ratu Josefa suggested a Truth Commission be set up when calling for a full investigation into the planners and executors of the 1987 & 2000 coups.

Mr Bale says the government has been considering a Truth Commission for some time and looking at its pros and cons.

He says it has worked to a certain extent in South Africa but it does not necessarily mean it will work in Fiji.

Mr Bale says if a Truth Commission is established, its role might be expanded to look into issues of reconcilition and national unity.