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Trio confirmed for Asia New Zealand Foundation board

15:53 pm on 16 September 2024

Photo: 123RF

Foreign Minister Winston Peters has confirmed three new appointments to the Asia New Zealand Foundation's board.

Hone McGregor, David Capie and John Boswell would join existing members to complete the eight-person board, Peters said.

Bede Corry, secretary of foreign affairs and trade, has also been appointed as an ex-officio member.

The sitting members of the board include chair Dame Fran Wilde, Tina Porou, Carol Cheng and Mitchell Pham.    

"The new members bring a diverse range of expertise and experience that will provide great support to the foundation's initiatives," Peters said.

The appointments are effective for a term of three years, starting 1 October.

Peters thanked outgoing trustees Te Poa Karoro (Paul) Morgan, Pulotu Tupe Solomon-Tanoa'I and Ziena Jalil for their service and contribution to the foundation.

"All have contributed to the foundation's expanded outreach over recent years and to growing New Zealand's Asia relations," he said.

The Asia New Zealand Foundation is largely funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.