Pacific / Nauru

Nauruans vote for a new parliament

10:58 am on 24 September 2022

Nauruan voters head to the polls today with polling stations now open and closing six p.m.

The Elections Office has stressed that because of the pandemic strict hygiene rules should be followed.

Early voting, which started on Monday, is set to finish at 5p.m. on Friday.

Mobile voting, which also got underway on Monday, will continue to be available until the polling stations close on Saturday.

In the election voters will select from two to four candidates over eight constituencies for the 19 member parliament.

Under the preferential system employed in Nauru voters will be required to number their preferred candidates, filling in all the boxes on the ballot card.

This photograph taken on September 2, 2018 shows a beach view in Ewa on the Pacific island of Nauru.

Photo: AFP

This would mean in a seat such as Ubenide, the largest, from which four candidates are chosen, voters have to number their preferences down to the 18th box.

There are about 7,000 registered voters in Nauru.