Pacific / Guam

Guam governor outlines marijuana plan

15:36 pm on 20 December 2016

Guam's Governor, Eddie Calvo, who vetoed a bill that would allow eligible residents to grow medical marijuana at home, has proposed legalising recreational marijuana, with heavy taxation.

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A marijuana plant. Photo:

Mr Calvo said he wants to look at how states navigated into recreational marijuana.

In a written statement he said "let's figure it out and then tax the heck out of it and use those taxes to help fund the hospital, public safety and education."

The Pacific Daily News reports, in his veto message last week for the homegrown medical marijuana bill, the governor stated concerns about the cost of regulating marijuana grown at home.

Bill 344 states residents must obtain a permit, and their homes are subject to regular inspection by law enforcement and health officials.

Mr Calvo's veto message said the bill places a huge burden on public health which he could not permit.

Senators approved the bill but were two votes short of the ten needed to override the veto.