New Zealand

Christchurch council floats separate glass recycling collection

16:27 pm on 5 November 2020

Christchurch City Council is set to look at the idea of a separate glass collection as part of its kerb side pick-ups.

Glass bottles ready for recycling

Photo: 123rf

In recent months nearly half of the city's recycling has been sent to landfill because it is too contaminated.

Each household has three bins, one for rubbish, recycling and organic.

At a meeting today the Finance and Performance Committee received a report outlining plans for a review of solid waste management.

It will look at being more flexible around bin sizes, fees and improving organic processing.

It will also look at the possibility of a separate collection for glass.

Council spokesperson Helen Beaumont said each household is different so residents should be able to tailor their bin sizes to their individual needs.

"It will also help us reduce the amount of contamination were getting in recycling bins.

"We've been hearing from a lot of people that their green bins aren't big enough and we are known as the Garden City, so we'll be looking at how we can make this service better," she said.

The first stage of the review will be complete by the start of next year and feed into the council's 2021-31 Long Term Plan.

  • Nearly half of Christchurch recycling contaminated, heads to landfill