
Green Party co-leader contenders confirmed

17:34 pm on 17 April 2015

The nomination period for the Green Party's male co-leader contest has just closed and four candidates have been confirmed.

Russel Norman Resigns from Green Party co leader 16:10

Russel Norman and Metiria Turei after Dr Norman resigned as leader. Photo: RNZ / Alexander Robertson

MP's Kevin Hague, Gareth Hughes and James Shaw as well as Green Party member Vernon Tava will run for male co-leader.

The position was vacated when current male co-leader Russel Norman announced he was stepping down at the end of May.

Over the next month the candidates will tour the country attending nine provincial meetings throughout the country.

The Green Party's electorate delegates will vote at the party's AGM on 30 May and the winner will be announced on the day.

Metiria Turei was the sole nomination to be re-elected as female co-leader.