New Zealand / Rural

Rain forecast to relieve parched farms

06:14 am on 1 April 2013

MetService says more rain is forecast this week which should bring some relief to farmers affected by drought.

A state of drought has been declared for the North Island and the Buller and Grey Districts of the West Coast of the South Island.

NIWA says parts of the North Island are the driest they have been in 70 years.

MetService forecaster Hordur Thordarson says rain forecast for Tuesday and Friday should bring relief for farmers on the West Coast, and in Hawke's Bay and Gisborne.

"Thankfully, it looks as though there's potential for further mobile fronts and lows to move across the country to bring rain and eventually hopefully break the drought."

Mr Thordarson says the rain is a signal that the weather is returning to the normal pattern for this time of the year.