New Zealand

Faulty LPG heater killed Christchurch man

10:37 am on 2 August 2019

A coroner is warning of the dangers of gas heaters after investigating the death of a 94-year-old man in Christchurch.

File photo. Photo: 123rf

A faulty LPG heater has been found to be the cause of Albert Wylie's death from carbon monoxide poisoning in his flat St Albans flat in July 2015.

Coroner Brigitte Windley said Mr Wylie's death could have been avoided and people should be aware of how to safely use such heaters.

WorkSafe said cabinet heaters need to have adequate fireguards, be checked for leaks, used in a well-ventilated room and be serviced regularly.

Ms Windley said families and caregivers of the elderly and those with cardio-respiratory difficulties need to help by checking gas heaters and avoiding their unsafe operation.