
Tonga's Prime Minister says Forum needs to reconsider its position on Fiji

05:35 am on 6 August 2009

Tonga's Prime Minister says the Pacific Islands forum needs to reconsider its position on Fiji.

The question is on the agenda of today's leaders retreat, where the Melanesian countries are to call for some form of official re-engagement with the military regime, at the very least at official level.

Dr Feleti Sevele says the Forum needs to consider what the implications are of expelling Fiji, and whether it is in the long-term interests of the group.

"We have taken a stance to achieve certain outcomes. It didn't. Our stance at the time was right. All I was saying was get a decision on which everybody is comfortable."

Meanwhile, the Solomon Islands Prime Minister, Dr Derek Sikua says dialogue is a way forward for Fiji.

I would interpret that to mean that the people of Fiji would need to engage themselves with open and genuine dialogue with the military government to find a way forward. Because only through dialogue can we move forward.

Derek Sikua says there needs to be open and genuine dialogue with the interim regime.