
Confidence that Solomon Islands women will be elected as MPs

16:29 pm on 28 February 2006

The Solomon Islands National Council of Women is confident that women stand a good chance of being elected as MPs in the next parliament.

There's been only one woman MP since the country's independence in 1978, Hilda Kari, and she's proposing to stand again in the elections to be held on April the 5th.

The council's general secretary, Ella Kauhue, says there are expected to be 16 nominations for women candidates in the 50 seat parliament.

And, she says many of them are finding support from their chiefs, church and youth leaders in their constituencies.

"I think the main talk right now is that men have led this nation since independence in 1978 and Solomon Islanders do not see the difference. They appreciate the work our men have done during those years but there is no change or difference in the way the country has been managed and run."

The general secretary of the Solomon Islands National Council of Women, Ella Kauhue.