Politics / Election 2014

Labour will build Auckland rail link now

07:03 am on 24 August 2014

The Labour Party will build Auckland's $2.4 billion City Rail Link immediately rather than waiting until 2020 if elected to govern its transport spokesperson, Phil Twyford says.

An artist's impression of an underground station on the City Rail Link, which will be built under QE2 Square.

An artist's impression of an underground station on the City Rail Link, which will be built under QE2 Square. Photo: SUPPLIED

Labour has released its transport policy, detailing its approach to roads, rail and public transport investment.

Phil Twyford.

Labour's Auckland spokesperson Phil Twyford Photo: RNZ

Transport spokesperson, Phil Twyford, said Labour wants to rebalance the transport budget towards more sustainable and cost-effective investments.

Mr Twyford said the proposed Puhoi to Wellsford motorway will be one of the projects put on hold, because the numbers do not stack up.

"This is just a matter of balance, we think that this Government has put all its eggs in one basket, they have spent truckloads of cash on building a whole lot of mostly duplicate and gold-plated motorway projects."

Labour said it would review and delay some of the Government's Roads of National Significance projects, to free up spending for more pressing projects such as the Auckland rail link.

The proposed City Rail Link through downtown Auckland was given planning approval in March.

The creation of the 3.5km long rail loop through the central city is the most ambitious transport project in Auckland.

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