
New Solomons university will need attractive packages - academic

10:30 am on 29 April 2013

A Solomon Islands expatriate says the country's first university will have to offer attractive deals if it wants academics like himself, who are working overseas, to return.

The Pro-chancellor of the new Solomon Islands National University is appealing to academics from the Solomons who are working in universities abroad to consider returning to work for the new institution.

An Associate professor of the Centre for Pacific Studies at the University of Hawaii, Dr Tarcisius Tara Kabutaulaka says some expats may want to contribute without signing a permanent contract with the institution.

"If the Solomon Islands National University Council comes up with creative packages and say look, take for instance at the moment I'm on a nine month contract with the University of Hawaii so three months a year I don't work for the university and I can be contracted to anybody. And so you could come up with a programme that says in those three months we want you here."

Dr Tarcisius Tara Kabutaulaka says many expat academics have long-term commitments to certain institutions but says it is possible for them to help the new university without physically being there.