New Zealand

Poor students move school a lot

22:32 pm on 28 May 2014

A new report shows schools in low socio-economic areas have much higher rates of students moving between schools.

Research issued on Wednesday from the Child Poverty Action Group, finds that decile 1 schools have a median roll turnover of 30 percent which is greater than higher decile schools.

CPAG researcher Donna Wynd told Nine to Noon the figures were quite alarming because transient students often fell behind their peers in school work.

This added another layer of disadvantage to their education, and was a problem too big for schools to deal with on their own.

"My sense is that schools are really bending over backwards to accommodate some of these children, and good on them, but the question that I have is whether this really is something that the education sector alone can deal with.

"My suspicion is that this is a housing problem."

Reports from schools involved in the study indicated people could be moving for work, to find cheaper accommodation or, in some cases, to avoid immigration officials, Ms Wynd said.

"We must address the causes of transience by introducing housing policies that actively address the shortage of secure and affordable housing in the areas where low-income families live, particularly in South Auckland."

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