Passengers on the public bus tours of Christchurch's cordoned-off central city will first get a warning they may not survive if a earthquake hits, followed by two chances to opt out.
The bus trips, which begin on Saturday, have been organised by the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority following calls for the public to get into the city red zone.
All busgoers will be given a leaflet before they step on the bus warning them that, despite the authority's best efforts, they could be trapped by an earthquake or falling building, and might not survive.
[image:3591:half:right]CERA's demolitions manager Warwick Issacs, says they have ensured the trips are as safe as possible, but people still need to know the potential risks.
"It could well be safer than driving down the road on a wet day, but, ultimately, there's still a safety element there. We can't guarantee there won't be a large quake and something happens, and we just have to make people absolutely aware of those risks."
Mr Isaacs says some people may find the tours upsetting, so there will be Red Cross representatives on board to offer support, and information given out about counselling services.
Listen to Rachel Graham on the bus for Checkpoint