New Zealand

Clarification of articles about Kauri exports and Mr David Wong-Tung

07:35 am on 11 August 2015

On Tuesday, 16 June we broadcast a story (and subsequently published it on our website) about the contention of environmentalists in Northland that the Ministry for Primary Industries was failing to ensure that swamp kauri exports complied with the requirements of the Forests Act 1949.

The story referred to Oravida (and one of its directors David Wong-Tung) as a kauri wholesaler.

We accept that Oravida is not a kauri wholesaler and we did not intend to suggest that Oravida and Mr Wong-Tung were involved in the illegal export of swamp kauri logs or that they had exported swamp kauri in breach of the Forests Act.

Radio New Zealand unreservedly apologises to Oravida and Mr Wong-Tung for its error and any suggestion they have acted unlawfully.