Pacific / Fiji

Criticise 'stars of Fiji politics' on performance 'not other things', political expert says

14:48 pm on 25 January 2024
Lynda Tabuya and Aseri Radrodro at the Victoria Parliament in Melbourne. August 2023

Lynda Tabuya and Aseri Radrodro at the Victoria Parliament in Melbourne. August 2023 Photo: Victoria Parliament

"Lynda Tabuya is a new and extraordinary politician" - Professor Jon Fraenkel

Victoria University of Wellington Comparative Politics professor Jon Fraenkel said the management of Fiji is far more important than what he considers to be "private matters" between the Women's Minister Lynda Tabuya and sacked Education Minister Aseri Radrodro.

"Lynda Tabuya is a new and extraordinary politician," Professor Fraenkel said, adding "She was attacked straight away saying she didn't have the right dress sense."

Tabuya told RNZ Pacific the allegations were "fake news". However, she is set to front an inquiry into her alleged conduct by the People's Alliance Party.

"No one is above the law and if I have breached a provision of the [party] constitution, I have the right to defend myself," she told The Fiji Times.

Radrodro has refrained from commenting on the allegations at all.

Concentrate on competence

Professor Fraenkel said women in politics were often unfairly targeted on social media far more than their male counterparts.

"These are the stars of Fiji politics. They should be criticised on how they perform their ministerial duties not all these other things. It's a breath of fresh air for Fiji that they are there."

"I think we should concentrate on her competence as a minister and not her private business," he said.

However, despite the scandal and the sacking of the key member of Cabinet, the Deputy Prime Minister Biman Prasad played down concerns that government was crumbling.

Prasad, refusing to comment on the alleged affair, said that despite some changes to government the three-party colaition remains "strong"

Professor Fraenkel said the Fijian government should be "celebrated" for its co-governance of indigenous and Indo-Fijian parties working together.

'Rabuka is not a fool'

On the issue of Radrodro's dismissal, he said the prime minister "had to make a lot of concessions to keep Sodelpa on board".

But he believes coalition leaders were on the same page concerning axeing of Radrodro.

"There have been continual disagreements between [Radrodro] and the Prime Minister. There was an attempted re-shuffle in August last year," he said.

"He'd be foolish not to do that. Rabuka is not a fool. He is a very astute politician."

Radrodro was removed as Cabinet minister last Friday by Rabuka, who said he failed to follow his directives.

But Radrodro rebuffed the allegations on Monday and demanded Rabuka rescind his decision.

Professor Fraenkel said that the two men have history, highlighting Radrodro was previously married to Rabuka's daughter.

"There was some nasty incidents of abuse in that relationship," he said.

"It's a long time ago now, people have forgiven him [Radrodro]. But there is certainly a lot of bad blood between them."

Sodelpa party president Anare Jale and leader Viliame Gavoka have now publicly spoken in favour of maintaining the coalition arrangements and backing the prime minister.